
9 May 2011

File Expert - Android File Manager

Android rocks. I could write post after post about how much I think it makes a mobile phone fun and useful. However, millions of others have done that already and there is more to life ...

Tonight though I had a need to upload a BIG video file to my phone and no cable. I have had File Expert installed for a while. This seemed like a great little file manager app and I have used it as such.

Tonight however, I found that not only can you use it to FTP files to your phone but that it has a basic web server which you can enable which allows you to access your phones file system from a browser. Problem solved.

To do this just click the "share" menu item and choose WEB SHARING. It will give you the ip address to connect to (including port) and a user name and password.

It also has a smb client (Samba) client which I have yet to try fully.

All this from a free app!

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